Hello, Seekers of the Unknown!
I’m giving away some free art to get some feedback on this newsletter! I try to offer a lot of material on topics that I am passionate about, but I want to know more about what interests you.
Do you just want updates on my personal work? More scary stuff? More humor? Now’s your chance to let me know!
SO, if you fill out the short survey below to help me improve Next Stop Unknown, I will enter you in a drawing to win artwork by me!
That’s right! If I draw your name, you can choose from any original art or fanart you see on my instagram or website.*
***IMPORTANT: The polls won’t show me your name when you answer, so be sure to like this post at the top to let me know you voted! (If you like it without voting, I may not know, but the spirits will be angry with you…)***
*I reserve the right to refuse some pieces made for commissions and for other reasons.
I will send winners a signed 8x10 print of their chosen image free of charge to hang in your house, your cubicle, or even tape to your Trapper Keeper! (Do those still exist?)
I am limiting this giveaway to three lucky people, but…
Is there a particular picture you really have your eye on and want to win? Then I will enter your email twice if you:
Answer all the questions
Like this post, and…
Write a comment below about something you like or would like me to improve about the newsletter!
I will do the drawing one week from today when the survey runs out, so you will have plenty of time to consider your thoughts on the Bigfoot question.
And if you want to fill out the poll but aren’t interested in any art, that’s fine. Just don’t like this post so I know not to include you in the drawing.
Thank you all so much for your support and good luck!!!
*If you want to choose more than one topic, comment below!
Don’t forget to like and leave a comment to help you win! Thanks, again!
Sterling Martin is an artist and designer living in Chicago, IL. His background includes drawing, writing, theatre, teaching, improv & sketch comedy, and whatever else he can get his hands on to be creative. You can find him on the internet at:
Instagram: @sterfest.art
Website: sterlingmartin.design
Twitter: Maybe someday
Tik-tok: That’s the one you make videos, right?
Linkedin: I’m pretty sure I have one of those
Facebook: Ugh, do I have to?
Love your humor, Ster!
I love seeing your take on pop culture and reading how you came to your decisions and your source material/inspiration as in your latest Leia piece.
That being said, I’d like to see more originals from the wild mind of Ster-III