To everyone who went out and ordered copies of my comic at local shops or called comic shops to order, THANK YOU! Your support is so important for someone like myself getting published for the first time. It means the world to me that so many friends and family went out of their way to support my work.
The competition for shops to order new comics from the big distributors is pretty stiff, so any help to get my comic noticed by retailers is a huge help. Please see below how I would show my thanks to you in person:
Ordering My Comic Now
The window for comic shops to order their own printings from the distributors is now closed. However, regular customers will still be able to order copies from the shops, but they will now be ordering from a limited supply of what the publisher orders over the original shop orders. Those of you who ordered, though, are guaranteed your copies which should be delivered to the shops or to you later this year!
I will order my own copies to sell to non-comic retail shops, for signings, and for my own inventory for future events. It will be a guessing game for me of how many is worth ordering vs actually making money back, so once that stock runs out that will probably be all I have for this story. Get them while you can!
Unfortunately, no new creative columns this week as I am busy trying to get a new short horror comic draft written before the end of the month (more on that project later.) BUT, if anyone is interested in going to Japan, I finally shared reviews of a couple of the tours I did! Check out a few things I did in my Unknown Japan column:
Thank you again to everyone who ordered my comic! Anyone who missed it, you haven’t missed out completely. I will keep you informed of other ways to order as they become available while supplies last.
Sterling Martin is a writer, artist, and designer living in Chicago, IL. His background includes drawing, writing, theatre, teaching, improv & sketch comedy, and whatever else he can get his hands on to be creative. You can find him on the internet at:
Cara: sterfest@sterlingmartin
Threads (well, I’m on it): @sterfest
Tik-tok: Guess I should start making videos more…
Linkedin: I’m pretty sure I have one of those
Facebook: Ugh, do I have to?
Your comic looks great! I wish you the best of luck!