Greetings, Earthlings! Casey here, and I’ve got a case of the heebee-jeebees! This week I found some ghostly videos to spook you and your furry pals alike. Let’s dive in!
NEWS FLASH! Kathy Gallinger, a woman in Quinte West, Ontario had suspected spirits were haunting her basement so she wisely set up a security camera to catch the paranormal prowlers. Low and behold! She was amazed when she caught a misty apparition that terrorized her cat, Salem.
As Salem stares down a couple of suspicious old dolls, the video shows a dark mass emerge that sends ol’ Salem darting out of the room! Kathy says this behavior is highly unusual because her cat is usually her “protector” and rarely runs from anything. (Mice? Dogs? Creepy dolls? I need more information, Kathy.) Also, despite my misgivings for decorating her apartment in porcelain babies, I had a hard time not appreciating her tantalizing wall art. Hubba-bubba, Kathy!
Take a look at the video and let me know what you think. Ghostly apparition or is this just a case of an old Pooty Trudy doll passing gas?
NEWS FLASH! This crazy video shows some dogs going bonkers over a mail man they can’t sink their teeth into! No habla Espanol, but I think this video speaks for itself so allow me translate roughly what the reporter is saying:
“AHHHHHHH!!!!!! What the heck is that thing???”
It’s hard to tell what it is exactly, but I can sure tell those dogs do NOT like it. Ghost? Shadow person? Alien? You decide. In the meantime, you will be able to find me under the covers in my bed!
Counterpoint Op-ed:
Mr. O’Malley’s Telescope is Swell!
by Jimmy Thompson, age 10
Hello, my name is Jimmy Thompson and Mr. O’Malley’s telescope is swell! Mr. O’Malley lives next door to my house and his wife is named Mrs. O’Malley.
Mr. O’Malley stands outside at night a lot looking at his telescope. He drinks skoch and smokes tobbaco in a pipe. I asked Mr. O’Malley what he looks for with his telescope, and he told me to mind my own business. But I think he is looking for flying saucers because he’s always yelling to his wife about how he’s going to see one and she’ll be sorry!
Mr. O’Malley’s telecsope is white and shiny. He bought it at Sears for 50 smackers! (That means dollers.) I would have to mow my granddad’s lawn 100 times to get one. That’s too hard! I’ll just look for them flying saucers with my regular eyes for now, I spose.
Mr. O’Malley acts all sore when I look for flying saucers with him. I think he likes when I do, tho. If I just stand there for about an hour, Mr. O’Malley will start talking a whole lot! He talks about aliens, ghosts, and government ajensies. He doesn’t know much about baseball.
He is really smart, but the longer he talks, it gets harder and harder to understand him. His words come out all funny and his hair gets messy. Then he starts talking about Mrs. O’Malley’s mother. It’s usually my bed time by the time she comes up, but I don’t think he likes her much.
I hope someday when I’m old enough Mr. O’Malley will let me look in his telescope. It sure is swell!
Jimmy Thompson
Casey O’Malley is a self-proclaimed expert on paranormal activity, high strangeness, and unidentified flying objects. He is best known for his Instagram account, @flyingsaucersareswell, which he claims was shadow-banned by a secret government agency because he “knew too much.” However, we checked and found the account is still active if you’d like to see what he knew so much about. Casey enjoys pipes, Manhattans, and science fiction movies featuring giant insects.
Jimmy Thompson is in the 4th grade at Hamilton Elementary School. Last week he got a B+ in Science, but only a C in Spelling. He enjoys baseball, airplanes, and talking to Mr. O’Malley sometimes. On the weekend, you can find him at his favorite spot in the woods: an old treehouse whose makers are a mystery to Jimmy, but it is pretty neat.