Greetings, Explorers!
I was going to skip this bi-week because I’ve been busy traveling and working on some holiday art commissions, but I thought I’d send out a quick note about some news I was reading yesterday.
As some of you may know, Senator Chuck Schumer introduced an amendment to the the national defense bill in July that would compel the military to release information they have about UAP and allow the White House to form a committee of citizens to review and release information to the public not deemed to be a national security threat.
What makes this bill unique is that it would give the President the authority to require access to information related to unknown technologies and non-human intelligences that has since been hidden on a need to know basis. It also establishes an “eminent domain” over non-human technologies. That means any materials gathered should be handed over to the government as the property of the people of the United States.
It has been suggested in some other interviews I recently read that one of the ways the military departments cover up these events is by gathering materials with military resources and then sending them to private companies (possibly military contractors like McDonnell Douglas, for example) to reduce a government paper trail. What Schumer’s amendment would do is order all such items would become part of the government’s property. (At least as I understand it.)
This bill came up this week because a few Republican Congressman have decided to team up as allies with people in the Department of Defense who are trying to keep wraps on all of this information. While there has been a lot of bi-partisan support for transparency around this issue, it stands to reason that the agencies who have been keeping the secrets for over seven decades would pull some levers to keep the status quo.
You can read more about the who’s and what’s here:
And if you want an excessively detailed breakdown of what is in the bill, you can watch this video I watched while drawing yesterday:
The video is only for the most seriously concerned UAP nerds who have a lot of time to kill, but please note:
I think this guy has a lot more optimism and reads more into what this bill says than I would. He seems to think it basically acknowledges that the government has already admitted to having evidence of non-human intelligence. I think that interpretation is vulnerable to making irresponsible and naive assumptions that fan the flames of conspiracy these internet guys use to make money.
I am including the video because it is about as detailed a breakdown of what is in the bill as you will get without reading it yourself, but you should always listen to news about the unknown with an objective and critical mind.
For now, it looks like the powers that have been suppressing this information are not going to go down without a fight, but it is at least exciting that we are closer than we have ever been to actual government disclosure of non-human intelligence.
Happy holidays, and I’ll try to be back next week with more art and spooky news!
Reviews & Recommends
Godzilla: Minus One
As I was finishing this post, I had to run so I could make my noon showing of Godzilla: Minus One in IMAX. I don’t have time to dig deep today, so keep an eye out for my thoughts later this week, BUT:
DO NOT MISS THIS MOVIE! If you are going to see it, go while it is still in the theater. Unless you have a giant screen and a really loud surround system, you will be missing out on the action scenes.
Don’t let that fool you, though. This movie is excellent on so many levels. It really gets to the core of Japanese social values and the hardships they have faced in war and natural disasters. I was literally in tears by the end. People in the theater were applauding.
It was all subtitles, but not hard to follow at all so don’t let that stop you. Go see it, and I’ll write more about it later.
Sterling Martin is a writer, artist, and designer living in Chicago, IL. His background includes drawing, writing, theatre, teaching, improv & sketch comedy, and whatever else he can get his hands on to be creative. You can find him on the internet at:
Instagram: (but it’s really starting to test my patience)
Tik-tok: That’s the one you make videos, right?
Linkedin: I’m pretty sure I have one of those
Facebook: Ugh, do I have to?